Hand in Hand for Uganda e. V. (registered association; hereinafter referred to as the Association) in June 2016


The Association Hand in Hand for Uganda. was founded in Germany in 2009 and in Uganda in 2014 and recognized as a non-profit organization. The foundation is based on Renate Blank´s and Thomas Langsch's long-standing commitment to people in Uganda. The 49 members currently engaged in Germany all work on a voluntary basis. The 4 members in Uganda receive a salary as employees.

The connection between Germany and Uganda was established in 1993 by Emmanuel Musoke, a vocational student for printing and media technology from Uganda, and his teacher, Thomas Langsch, who accompanied him for three years during his training.

After Mr. Musoke's initially supported projects in Uganda, mainly in the care of orphans, had become independent after several years and the more than 120 children were permanently cared for by other organizations, the Association Hand in Hand for Uganda has addressed itself to other projects.

For whom

  • Orphans and socially disadvantaged children and young people in the Masaka/Uganda area
  • Committed women of the group "Kawekulakulanja"
  • Residents of the small village of Nkoni
  • Volunteer medical assistant in Nkoni
  • Butale Mixed Primary School in Masaka


Education and Nutrition

  • Mediation of school sponsorships
  • Construction and maintenance of a community center with an orphanage as a get-together- place and contact point for villagers of all ages
  • Expansion and construction of a primary school
  • Providing several hundred students with a hot meal every day

Health care and maintenance

  • Subsidies for medical care and medication, e.g. for malaria
  • Information on and promotion of precautionary measures
  • Seminars e.g. educating people in communicable diseases, e.g. HIV
  • Establishment of a mobile infirmary with 1 x weekly consultation of a nurse

Access to clean water

  • Well construction as shallow or deep drilling wells
  • Construction of rainwater tanks from 4,000 to 30,000 liters


  • Development of sustainable agriculture (e.g. training of agricultural professionals in organic and organic farming)
  • Promotion of renewable energies (climate protection) (e.g. solar energy for the supply of
    of the entire community center)
  • Purchase and reforestation of land for cultivation and reforestation

Poverty alleviation – support for self-employment

  • Job creation in the project
  • Part-time job offers for villagers
  • Signing leases with trusted individuals to build their own small businesses
  • Granting of microcredit to women with the aim of supporting economic independence


Country name Republik Uganda (Republic of Uganda)
Climate Topical Highlands
Location Landlocked country in East Africa (neighboring countries: South Sudan, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, DR Congo)
Size 241,550 square kilometers (about the Federal Republic of Germany before 03.10.90), of which around 40,000 square kilometers (18 percent) are lakes and swamps
Capital Kampala with about 2 million inhabitants
Population about 35 million, growth rate about 3.4 percent, more than 40 ethnic groups, divided into the two large groups of the Bantu (e.g. Baganda, Banyankole etc.) and Nilotes (e.g. Acholi, Langi)
Languages The official languages are English and Swahili (the latter is not spoken by anyone). Some of the main local languages include Luganda, Luo, Iteso, Lusuga, and Rwanyankole.
Religions / Churches predominantly Christian (about 45 percent Catholic, about 35 percent Anglican - Church of Uganda; as well as increasingly fundamentalist free church groups), about 10 percent Muslims
National Day October 09, 1962 Independence Day
Form of government/Governance
Presidential Government
Head of State Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, took office: 29.01.1986 after civil war, first elected in 1996, re-elected on 12.03.2001, 23.02.2006 and 18.02.2011. Last inauguration 12.05.2011
Date October 2015


From: http://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/DE/Aussenpolitik/Laender/Laenderinfos/01-Nodes_Uebersichtsseiten/Uganda_node.html, obtained 03.06.2016 - The number of Europeans living in Uganda is a few thousand. Almost 90% of Uganda's population lives in rural areas, mostly in scattered settlements. In addition to the metropolis of Kampala, there are several medium-sized cities of which Jinja, Mbale, Mbarara and Masaka are the largest.


Take over the sponsorship of a child.
For 300 Euro / year, school fees and clothing as well as necessary medical care and nutrition are provided - more information

Become a member of the Association
For 50 euros / year you can actively participate in the Association and exchange ideas and information in the regular general meetings - become a member now

Donate regularly
With every euro that is donated on a regular basis, we can better calculate and develop projects further - Help with your donation

Even small donations have a big impact
Donation account: Hand in Hand für Uganda e. V.
Volks- und Raiffeisenbank Dachau
IBAN:  DE79 7009 1500 0001 5290 72

Turn your anniversaries into fundraising events
As most people already have everything they need, you can offer the motto "donations instead of gifts" for birthdays, for example. We are happy to provide you with flyers, posters, displays, information material

Help us connect
Spread the links to the homepage www.handinhandfueruganda.de

To the donation platform Betterplace

To boost https://www.boost-project.com/de/shops?charity_id=834&tag=bl

Write small messages in the projects at Betterplace, this helps enormously to get more attention and donors


We are committed to the human rights of all people.
We demand equal opportunities around the world.
We create and secure the livelihoods of disadvantaged people and promote economic independence.